Thursday, August 15, 2013

Back to Pine Cove!

Whew! It's been quite the eventful past week or two! I was given the opportunity to head back to Texas last Saturday! (insert expected gasp from those of you living in Texas at the moment)...Don't be angry with me. I was there for a very specific reason and had a super limited time-frame, so didn't really let anyone know I was there! I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. :)

And why was I there? So cool. I was given the opportunity to interpret for a friend's daughter that I used to nanny at the camp I have worked at in the past, Pine Cove! For those of you who don't know, I was a nanny last semester for this precious family:
And I had the really great opportunity to expand my use of sign language learning from their mom, Jenn, and from time spent with their daughter, Ella, who is 9. I was so excited when Pine Cove agreed to work with the family and figure out how Ella could come to camp even though she couldn't communicate with those around her. Insert my past with Pine Cove and my ability to communicate with Ella, and after a few months of figuring out the details, Ella and I headed to Week 10 at the Pine Cove Towers!
Getting ready for the first theme night: Pitch Black Attack!
One thing is certain at Pine Cove, you always end up learning some kind of lesson while you're there. I knew this would be true of this week as well...I had been close to tears begging the Lord to enable me to communicate well with Ella and help her feel loved and comfortable at camp. My signing skills are nothing to brag about, and I knew it would be difficult interpreting everything that goes on at camp. I am humbled yet again that He has chosen me to be one of His children who can proclaim the truth that He is faithful and hears our prayers. He loved Ella well this week not only through me but through the girls in her cabin and her precious, loving, gentle counselor, ReMoose. (We have weird camp names at Pine's fine.)

I was blessed to watch the Lord teach myself and others how to show love in a multitude of ways, especially when I saw precious 9 and 10 year olds reaching out to welcome Ella in, and Ella opening up to do the same. The Lord reminded me deeply what it is like to put yourself in positions where you 100% have to rely on Him for strength, influence, even communication.
"So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth." -1 Corinthians 3:7
Amen and amen.

After camp I was able to go home for a day to spend some quick time with the fam! So blessed. I LOVED seeing and cooking with my precious niece and nephew, not to mention everyone else :)

So there you have it! Now I am back in Louisville with my hubby--which I was beyond ready for! I came home to this beautiful surprise that he had made while I was gone...what a creative man! LOVE IT. Loosely translated it says, "Blessed are You, Lord God, King of the heavens, Giver of bread from the earth". Awesome.

And now I want to leave you with a video of a song I learned and signed all week. The Lord used it as a sweet reminder that He is able to do great things, and allows me to be a part of it. :)